Top Five Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives

Adam Reeve
Image by NatureFriend from Pixabay

5 Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives

Inflammation is a process by which the white blood cells and their substances are taking action in protecting the whole body system against infection from foreign organisms that can cause diseases like viruses and bacteria. It also signals the body to heal the damaged tissues from an injury or infection that occurred in the body.

Despite these benefits, some diseases like arthritis prompt the inflammatory response in the immune system even if there are no foreign organisms that can destruct tissues and other parts of the body.

These situations which are called autoimmune diseases damage their own tissues, causing the body to respond in a way that infection occurs in the body system.

Causes and effects of Inflammation

Chemicals from the white blood cells released into the blood or damaged tissues to protect the body from foreign organisms. This discharge makes the blood flow increase to the affected area that results in redness and swelling on that part. Swelling and pain happen because there is a presence of leakage of fluid into the tissues.

Inflammation can also affect internal organs in the body as an autoimmune disease. The symptoms of inflammation depend on the affected organ in the body. Myocarditis or inflammation of the heart can cause fluid retention and shortness of breath.

On the other hand, nephritis or inflammation in the kidneys can cause high blood pressure or failure on the kidney. Pains are not part of the symptoms in these areas because these internal parts do not have nerves that are sensitive to pain.


Treatment for the Inflammatory Diseases

There are various treatment options for every inflammatory disease which include rest, certain medications, exercises and surgery to correct the damages. However, the treatment depends on various factors, like:

  • Type of inflammatory disease
  • Age and gender
  • Medications that are presently taking
  • Health and medical history – Symptom severity

Treatments are done because of the following:

– To control or correct the process of the disease inside the body; – Prevent or adjust activities that can intensify the pain; – Relieve the Pain; – Maintain the movement of the joint and strength of the muscles, and; – Decrease the stress levels in the joints.

Some of the treatment choices are physical therapy, medicines like corticosteroids and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) and chemotherapy. There are also some alternatives that can be considered to fight the inflammation and its effects on the body.

5 Best Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives

Aside from consuming anti-inflammatory foods, having adequate sleep and doing regular exercises, additional support may be needed like supplements. Here are some of the alternatives and other options for anti-inflammation:

  1. Alpha-Lipoic Acid

This is a fatty acid that is also present in the body that is vital especially in metabolism and production of energy needed to be able to function well. Furthermore, it is also an antioxidant that helps in strengthening the cells and also in restoring other antioxidant levels.

For anti-inflammatory benefits, alpha-lipoic acid helps in lessening the inflammatory markers like IL-6 and ICAM-1.

The recommended dosage must be 300-600 mg daily. There are no potential side effects especially if taken using the recommended dosage. However, diabetic individuals must monitor their blood sugar levels while taking this medication.

  1. Curcumin

A component of the spice turmeric, Curcumin has various anti-inflammatory effects that can be given to a person.

This product at Yes Wellness beneficial for inflammation reduction especially in diabetes, heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and cancer.

For this, the recommended dosage must be 100-500 mg daily and there are also no potential risks.

  1. Fish Oil

This supplement contains Omega-3 fatty acid, which helps to reduce inflammation associated with heart disease, diabetes, cancer and many more.

Fish oil has two important omega-3s types which are icosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which has components that help in reducing the levels of cytokine and helps in improving the health of the gut as well.

anti inflammatory diet
Health food for asthma & respiratory diseases including, shortness of breath, wheezing & COPD with herb and spice used in chinese herbal medicine, high in protein, omega 3, antioxidants & vitamins.

Fish oil supplements must be taken 1-1.5 grams daily, however, it can cause thinning of the blood that can increase bleeding which makes it dangerous to those who are taking aspirin or blood thinners.

  1. Ginger

Gingerol and zingerone are the two components of ginger that can help the body to fight inflammation especially those that are linked to colitis, diabetes, and damage in the kidney. It can also reduce the swelling of the muscles after exercising.

The recommended dosage must be 1 gram daily, but 2-gram consumption is still okay. Higher ginger supplement dosage can cause thinning of the blood, that is why this is also not recommended for blood thinning takers.

  1. Resveratrol

Found in purple-coloured fruits, this supplement provides lowering inflammatory markers and even triglycerides and blood sugar for obese people.

For this, the recommended dosage must be 250-500 mg daily, an additional 5 grams per day can cause digestive issues. This is also not for those that are taking blood-thinning medications unless allowed by the doctor.

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Adam Reeve is a dietitian who specializes in writing to enlighten the masses. He advocates for lifestyle changes through simple exercises and healthy diets, such as the ketogenic diet. His work is extensively researched to provide updated information to his readers. Adam spends his free time at the gym or hiking.
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