What are Good Steps to Improve Corporate Board Governance

By Janet

What are Good Steps to Improve Corporate Board Governance?

To keep a company thriving for years in business, good corporate board governance is indispensable. The greatest risk factor in a company is poor board governance. In the wake of the post-pandemic situation, when many reputed companies are biting the dust, simply because the board directors were not steadfast in decision-making, incompetent, engaged in criminal negligence. To avoid all these, corporate board best practices are the only ways to go.

What is corporate governance?

Corporate governance is the host of various rules that are standard for any company or organization to ensure they are providing the best, responsible service to stakeholders, customers, shareholders, management teams effectively. Good corporate governance applies to private companies, public companies, big or small companies, organizations of various kinds, etc.

board management

The processes included in corporate governance sie sem rush are action plans, performance measurement, disclosure practices, explicit or implicit contracts between stakeholders and company, solutions for conflicts of interest, dividend policies, executive compensation decisions, etc.

Board’s role is strategic oversight and risk, and that they should be spending 70% of Board meetings focused on strategy and risk-based discussions, and 30% on operational components. – Sandi Verrecchia CEO of Satori Consulting Inc.

The principles of good corporate board governance

  • All involved parties at all levels will have to adhere to universally accepted and recognized laws, procedures, authority structures for good governance, especially at the senior management level.
  • Transparency should be candidly and timely maintained with viable information from audit reports to general reports, press releases so outsiders can grasp the idea of the company’s actions, economic and non-economic aspects.
  • Independence must be given to all to some extent while maintaining a code of conduct to avoid conflict of interest.
  • Board members, senior officials at companies must be accountable for their decisions, actions on various issues so that investors get access to information easily.
  • Responsibility must be taken on part of management teams, board directors to put in place what is needed to be done to put the company on the right track. If things go wrong, those responsible for mismanagement must be penalized.
  • The interest of all, from minor shareholders to major, should be given importance and respected enough for better interests of the company’s future.
  • A company gains a good corporate reputation and indirect economic benefits if management teams of the company look into ethical standards of human rights and environmental issues.

Steps to improve corporate governance

Unlimited good governance

The board members need robust strategy and policies to implement its position and major functions to balance conformity with laws, policies, and practices with performance.

Competent members

Board members must be chosen based on their expertise, industry experience, and interpersonal skills. The nominating committee should appoint both kinds of members- those who know the organization and those who can take it to the next level.

Monitoring organizational performance

Board members should always self-evaluate each other at regular intervals to monitor key performance drivers and ensure that they bring the success that’s expected while ensuring legal compliance.

Prioritizing risk management

Effective risk management leads to cost-benefit decisions and decision-making so that management can foresee risks and manage them beforehand.

CEO’s responsibility

The CEO is the major link between achieving the management’s corporate goals and the organization’s strategic direction. So, appointing a competent and responsible CEO is a must.

Whom to trust

A competent chairman or director of the board has a legal team behind him/her to have a good grasp of organizational responsibility and to understand whom to trust within the sphere of the board room.

Important information is regulated regularly

For a company to run smoothly, the board members need to have regular meetings, site visitation, presentations, briefings, individual development programs, and other additional information.

What makes good corporate governance stand out from the rest?

Regular meeting attendance: Any responsible, vigilant director of a board must show up prepared for all meetings.

Equity involvement: Board members with huge chunks of equity involvement in a company to small investors, all should be vigilant for the welfare of the company.

Skills of board members: Board members should have expert financial literacy and well as experience, connections, wealth, fame.

Age factor: While age is synonymous with experience and expertise, research shows that the effectiveness of a board decreases as the average age of its member’s increases.

Corporate Board Governance Best Practice

The ex- CEO’s presence: While the past CEOs must not bully their successors and vilify them with their experience that can bring links to outside critical parties, sound advice.

A virtual cycle of trust, candour, respect: A team should consist of members who respect each other, share vital information, challenge each other with their conclusions coherently, and have a healthy give-and-take policy among each other.

A culture of open dissent: Along with respect and trust, in board meetings, directors and team members must challenge one another’s assumptions and beliefs. Board directors are usually intelligent, comfortable with power, if they are shrunk to fit in, they cannot work properly.

Corporate board governance best practices

Competent and diverse board: Board members should come from diverse backgrounds and have various skill sets so that they each are accountable for giving time to board duties, solving problems, working with management closely.

Integrity and ethical dealing: Boards should have a robust conflict of interest policy, whistle-blowing, and reporting non-compliance policy. Board members who have integrity, honesty, ethics in their speech, work, and relationship; should be called to make public announcements, presentations.

Accountability and responsibility: Each board member should be given written directives to delegate duties specific to their position to hold them accountable for their responsibility. Board committees should offer enough remuneration to board nominees to avoid conflict of interest.

Effective risk management: Financial, occupational, reputation, environmental, legal risks must be regularly detected by companies to weigh the potential return on investment carefully.


Good corporate board governance is a well-structured, well-thought-out plan that is beneficial to everyone concerned by ensuring ethical standards, best practices, and formal laws. The opposite of this could lead to crumbling industry reputation and financial loss. Satori Consulting Inc offers corporate board governance best practices, check out their website today for more information.

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