Ingredients to Avoid When Feeding Your Dog

By Jenny
Pet Photo by Rarnie McCudden from Pexels

Not all dogs are equal. As pet owners, one thing we want to make sure we get right is our pet’s diet. It directly impacts pet health, and feeding your dog a wrong food can garner hazardous results.

So, it’s always best practice to make or cook your dog’s food. That way, you have complete control of the ingredients used, and you can also customize the dish to the dog’s tastes, allergies, and preferences. However, this is a very time-consuming process, and not everyone can do it.

The next best thing would be to pay very close attention to the ingredients mixed into your dog’s food. Some of them might be hazardous and could have some serious medical consequences.

So, to make things easier for you and your dog, we’ve listed down some ingredients you should keep away from your furry friend as much as possible.

Read on to learn more abut feeding your dog.

1.  Avocado

Over the years, avocados have garnered a lot of attention. Avocados are a “superfood” packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and other nutrients that are very beneficial to our health. However, just because they are great for humans doesn’t mean the same for dogs.

Avocados contain a compound known as persin. If you aren’t allergic to it, you don’t have to worry at all. However, many dogs are, so when they ingest avocados, it could cause vomiting and diarrhea.

2.  Garlic

You may have heard that garlic is bad for dogs, but have you ever wondered why? Why this amazing condiment that we use on most of our dishes is forbidden to be in your dog’s menu?

Garlic is another excellent food for humans that you should keep away from dogs. Garlic is a member of the allium family, and most experts agree that this is a family that should generally be kept away from dogs.

This is because vegetables in the allium family contain a compound knows as thiosulphate. This is entirely safe for humans but can cause serious health complications in dogs. This includes anemia, vomiting, damage to the red blood cells, among others.

feeding your dog
Sliced or diced cucumber can makes a great treat for your dog.

3.  Alcohol

This should be a no-brainer, but do NOT let your dog ingest alcohol. While it might be a great way for us humans to unwind and end a long week, it is unsafe for dogs. We all know that alcohol can have a pretty bad effect on our liver, but did you know the same goes for dogs?

However, since dogs are much smaller than us and their metabolisms are different, it takes much less alcohol to poison a dog. It can cause breathing problems, diarrhea, lethargy, coma, and in some cases, even death.

Stick to providing your best friend with clean fresh water and they will be more than pleased. Especially during very warm days, a refreshing bowl of water is all they want from you!

4.  Grapes

Grapes should be kept away from dogs at all costs. This goes for every iteration of the fruit, so keep raisins away as well. Grapes and raisins have been identified to cause kidney failure in dogs. As we all know, kidney failure is severe and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

The adverse effects of grapes on dogs are felt very quickly. Within an hour, just a tiny amount of grapes can cause vomiting and diarrhea. However, vomiting is just an early sign. In the span of a day, your dog may become sluggish and depressed.

It’s a complete no-no for dogs, but the good news is most dogs don’t feel attracted to eat grapes or raisins. In any case, if your dog has ingested grapes by accident, please contact your vet as soon as possible.

What to Do If Your Dog Has Food Poisoning?

So, now that you know what ingredients to keep away from your dog, it’s also important to know what to do if they get food poisoning. Even with the utmost care, this can still happen to dogs as they may ingest many things while you aren’t looking.

can dog get food poisoning
Veterinary doctor examining heart of dog get with food poisoning

In case your dog develops any symptoms of food poisoning, contact your vet as soon as possible so they can begin treating the condition right away. The best way to avoid serious health complications is immediate treatment, so avoid wasting any time.

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