A Guide to Making an Online Food Business Work For You

Kristen Bowie
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Many people decide to set up digital food businesses because they are often cheaper to run than brick-and-mortar options and are easier to scale up or down, depending on the demand for your products, and it is easier to maintain than having a brick and mortar store. To ensure that your online model works for you, here are some steps you should follow to create the best online food business that is within your capabilities.

  1. Find a Great Website Builder

Your online food business will usually run from a website. The fact that this website will essentially be your storefront means that you need to make sure that it represents your company positively and that it is easy for your customers to navigate and find the items they want to purchase and eat.

You should look around for an easy-to-use website builder that is tailored toward beginners and non-professional website designers and has pre-created website templates that can help you get going.

When you are designing your website, you should think carefully about the color scheme that you are opting for, ensuring that all your text is easy to read against it. You should make sure that you choose vibrant and tasty-looking illustrations and vector images that can get your customers’ stomachs rumbling.

Once you have done this, you have formed the basis of every thriving online food company, and you can start to look at advertising your company on social media and beyond. For instance, you can put your website link onto your social media account and post high-quality and drool-worthy photos of your food daily.

  1. Purchase High-Quality Spices

However, your online food venture will not come to much if you cannot produce high-quality foods, no matter what gimmicks you use to market your goods or how easy your products are to buy. To ensure that your foods are always delicious, you should look around for high-quality spices that can get sparks flying on your customers’ tongues and give your food a distinct flavor that will have your customers flock to your website.

Your flavorings and herbs should be worth your customers putting an online order in for and should be unique enough that your food could be easily picked out from a line-up of similar options. Luckily, many online B2B companies offer a range of spices and herbs for sale, including ingredients such as dried chopped onion. These add interest to any dish that you come up with.

  1. Try Pre-Orders

When running an online business, it can be difficult to determine how much of each foodstuff you need to make.

After a while, you might find that a lot of your food goes to waste, or that you have abandoned batch cooking altogether in favor of costly individual bakes to meet infrequent demand.

Instead of losing ingredients and money through this method, you should consider offering the option of pre-orders to your customers. Once this pre-order period has closed, you will have an exact idea of how many bakes or meals you need to make, and you will be able to adjust your recipe accordingly and make them all at once.

Another way to work out how much food you need to make at any one time is to open your website up for orders at regular periods.

By doing this, you will be avoiding the problems that come with orders coming in irregularly. You might also decide that you are only going to take bulk orders or that people will only be able to buy items that have been pre-made.

If you are going to do this, though, you might end up with concerns about how much waste you are producing if your foods fail to sell as well as expected.

  1. Be Wary of Delivery Times

When you are taking online orders, you also need to be wary of how long your food will take to be delivered. This is especially the case if you are selling boxes of bakes, such as cookies or cakes, which often go stale quickly.

You should consider choosing premium mailing options that will allow your deliveries to be made by a certain date, or else you are taking a risk with whether your food will get to your customers’ door on time. This can also be an important consideration if you are taking orders for special events, such as birthdays, weddings or anniversaries.

  1. Design Durable Packaging

If you are sending your food through the mail, you also need to put a lot of thought into your packaging, as no one wants their bakes or dishes to end up smashed, broken, or otherwise ruined during the mailing process.

You should make sure that you order durable packaging for your bakes that have been designed to carry and protect food while it is being delivered.

For instance, you might decide to design packaging that has compartments in that will separate and hold separate food items securely, or you might look around for packaging that is well-padded, and that will not be easily crushed. You also need to ensure that your packages are sealed tightly to prevent water, air, and other substances from getting into them.

  1. Make Your Food Look Enticing

To sell a lot of your products online, you need to make sure that they look enticing enough for your potential customers to give up their hard-earned money to pay for them.

It can be difficult to get your products to look spectacular online. You should make sure that you include photographs from a lot of angles, and that their size looks accurate.

It is also important that you get the lighting right and that you choose examples that look symmetrical and appetizing, rather than those which look a little bit wonky. It is also important to list any allergens and describe the food in detail so that you do not falsely advertise the food in question to your clientele.

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Kristen Bowie is a marketing leader, forging the path with data-driven decisions. When she’s not writing for thought leadership and creating sponsorship proposals, she’s hanging out with her two urban dwarf goats, painting, or is out watching a local band.
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