How to Find More Clients for Your New Online Business

By Jenny

As easy as it may seem, running an online business and convincing more people to be a customer is not that easy. However, you can hold online workshops, make use of referrals or join Facebook groups to manage and grow their clients.

Almost several desire to start and run a business online. It saves lots of money you’d otherwise spend on owning/renting a physical store along with the maintenance costs and electricity bills to name a few.

However, creating awareness amongst people that you exist is one of the biggest challenges when it comes to online business. It is not like one day you decide to launch a store and the next day you have people walking past your outlet and visiting it.

Even big giants need to constantly remind the people about their online existence because they keep introducing packages and deals. For example, changes Spectrum Internet packages would need to be conveyed to the potential and existing customers.

Hence, it is essential that Spectrum always makes it a point to always stay on the minds of people to retain the existing and attract more customers. There are ways by which you can attract more clients for your new or existing online business.

Online Workshops

Hosting workshops can act in your business’s benefit. Honestly, no one cares about the degrees, certifications or recognition that you have earned.

You need to connect to people on a more personal level and explain it to them why you might or are the best choice for them to choose you over others.

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People go by facts and you should have the right products/services to offer to them in order for them to consider you.

Hosting a workshop is a very good way about voicing all that your business has to offer. Since it is an online thing, you do not have to worry about the venue rental and other expenses.

You can choose from various topics to discuss in your online workshop. Although, the most popular idea is to answer the FAQs that your existing and potential customers have.

Go LIVE! Grow Big!

Live videos have become such an integral part of promoting a business and connecting to the masses that one could not do without taking help from this feature.

From IG TV to Facebook LIVE, thousands of bloggers, stylists and businesses hold live sessions where they connect to the viewers. From answering the queries of the users to discussing the biggest concerns regarding a brand or their products, live sessions prove to be very fruitful.

It is a very fun way of interacting with your potential clients and gives you an opportunity to get to know them better and connect to them on a personal level.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have to be very consistent when it comes to living to stream. Hibernating every now and then would make your existing and potential customers skeptical about whether they should believe your word or not.


Persuade referrals. This way you can add more to your existing customer base. If an existing client is one that you believe is loyal to your brand or if you have a client from your previous business who has been a loyal one, ask him to refer your business to others.

It works like word of mouth. Referrals play a very important role as a person who has already tried your products/services is referring to other friends or colleagues.

People tend to believe their peers and try products that they refer to them rather than experimenting with themselves. You can create a link that existing customers can share with their friends or family as a referral.

Facebook Groups

It is very essential for you to not only create your own Facebook group but also join other groups. These groups are like communities bringing people from across the globe together.

Joining these groups and constantly posting on them helps you to get your message across the globe. Whether it be a new product that you have to offer, a new deal that you are coming up with or simply a topic you want to discuss, post relevant stuff on these groups.

This will not only allow you to get referrals but also attract more people towards your business. You can use this platform as an opportunity to build new contacts as well. Although tiresome, this activity can prove to be very fruitful for your business.

Apart from all this, you can do the following:

  • Send value-rich emails ft. Spectrum Internet provider (that enables you to do so)
  • Pin it on Pinterest
  • Be very active on social media
  • Come up with attractive promos every now and then
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A passionate blogger and digital marketing personnel who loves writing, reading and sharing blogs on the various topic.
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