Effects of PHP 7 on Magento Development

Amelia Matthers

Experienced Magento developers who have been in the industry for some time can tell you that PHP is the most used and reliable programming language of this age. Nearly all websites and web applications use this coding language when they are being developed.

PHP has penetrated as far as creating e-commerce solutions with 80% of online stores using this technology regardless of the framework used. Over the years, it has evolved to be the most reputable and secure programming language for building awesome sites and web applications.

On the other hand, their stand Magento, a powerful framework used in developing e-Commerce websites and has everybody talking about it. Why?

Because of its advanced features that are used to make store development a walk in the park. It has features such as in-built SEO, several Magento Extensions, Inventory management, mobile-friendly, Payment Gateway integration, Product management, user dashboard, website management, and much more.

Magento framework is based on PHP technology, therefore, you have to code it in PHP when using it. This article will articulate the benefits of using PHP programing language in Magento CMS.

Magento CMS and PHP 7

Magento Content Management System (CMS) has revolutionized the e-commerce industry since its inception in 2008. The framework has seen countless updates to match the current industry trends.

Its latest version is the Magento 2.0 which is equipped with improved features for enhancing web performance and checkout process. When Magento was released, it used the 5.2 PHP version which was available then.

We will focus on PHP 7, which is the latest version and Magento 2.0.1, which is also new. This version of Magento is armed to the tooth, offering high security, advanced functionality, and support for PHP7.0.2.

This latest version of PHP is going to improve website performance in a great way. I am looking forward to seeing this fabulous technology working together. The experience will be breathtaking.

What you are going to get is a pretty fast Magento website fitted with solid security features and a reduction of memory loss. The performance will also go up by a big margin. Indeed this will be a great experience for Magento store owners and shoppers.

Why PHP 7?

Many thought that after PHP 5.6.x we were going to upgrade to the 6th version which was not the case. Version 6 was only a prototype and that’s why its developers skipped 6 and named the latest version PHP 7.

This PHP version is packed with features to give users mind-blowing website performance. It can power any website from simple to cloud-based to web apps. PHP has something for everyone.

Many popular CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal relies on this programming language, however, the first priority is given to Magento, since their partnership goes a long way.

As a Magento designer, I had the rare opportunity of analyzing PHP 7 and my suggestion is developers should shift to this version due to its speed and delivery compared to the previous versions.

For those using Magento 1.x, you need to upgrade to 2.0 since 1.x is not compatible with PHP 7. However, if you can’t afford to upgrade, you can take advantage of code optimizing tools that are available for free or paid.

This will allow you to work with the latest engine. You can also use the Zend server to add support for PHP 7, making it easier to migrate applications for enhanced performance.

Is Magento 2 ready for PHP 7 and above?

Magento 2 PHP 7 does a great job of accelerating the website performance. However, as a freelance Magento developer, you should test PHP 7 on a development website first to check for compatibility issues before you deploying it live.

Most developers love PHP 7 because they can incorporate features like better error handling, accurate type declarations, and null coalescing operators.

PHP 7 also offers the best security features and you can count on its firewall to keep your website safe from cyber threats and malicious malware.

Developers have embraced this new version although it’s not compatible with the previous version of Magento. Reason being that Magento is easily patched to compatibility.

Magento makes it seamless to develop a website and even non-tech-savvy can give it a shot. PHP 7 makes the process of building eCommerce even simpler on either version 1 or 2 of Magento.

What makes it work even faster is MySQL, OpCache setup although it will have the same hardware. Either version of Magento can develop awesome e-commerce websites.

However, combining PHP 7 with Magento 2 improves website performance tremendously. With these two cutting edge technologies, success will be part of you and you will thrive in your online venture.


Magento experts have made e-commerce simple and fun. Online store owners are getting value for their money. Combine this for awesome shopping experience with the cutting edge technology of PHP 7, and you’ll get a match made in heaven.

Of course, newer versions will come in the future and will aim to make things even better. But for now, let’s make good use of what is available and that is PHP 7 and Magento 2.0. The combo has made eCommerce website building fast and secure.

As a shop owner, you can sleep easy knowing that your investment is in good hands and no hackers or bugs can touch it. PHP developers are also working round the clock to ensure they give you the best programming language available in developing effective websites.

They are focusing on speed and website efficiency. I am confident that the next version will be work even better than the current one because they never disappoint.

Although earlier on there were compatibility issues, this was sorted out using patches. If you are a web developer or a webmaster with an online business, then these two will serve you well.

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Amelia Matthers is a tech enthusiast and marketing professional with hands-on experience in writing on a various topic that interests her. Amelia loves writing, reading and sharing blogs on the various topic.
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