Why bionic prostheses are the single most option for rehabilitation?

By Janet

Rehabilitation from a certain condition involves giving the victim back at least some aspects of life. A condition can be sporadic or may persist from birth. In both cases, rehabilitation is administered in different ways. In case of an amputation, a sudden loss changes the life of an individual. Humans fall short very quickly without a limb and tend to depend on others for daily needs. This accumulating load of amputation burdens an entire society. And eventually draws down the wheel of progress.

Rehabilitation of these amputees not only frees up valuable human resources. It also helps in the collective progress of societies. Thus rehabilitation of amputees should be of utmost priority. The human body is an optimally tuned organism. Loss of a limb never goes well. It changes life into something very dull and full of frustrations.

A bionic prosthesis can give back some of the essential skills, obtainable from no other sources. This article will try to discuss these exclusive aspects of a bionic prosthesis. 

Bionic Prostheses Technology

  • The only thing with real functionality

Unlike other prostheses out there, a bionic prosthesis can perform the commands and wills of its wielder. A bionic prosthesis is controlled by an onboard microcomputer.

This computer translates the electromyographic signals into gestures and actions in accordance with the hardware. The residual muscles generate the EMG signals, which are received by EMG sensors placed on the skin.

Thus every motor activity is recorded in terms of differential EMG signals and different gestures are performed by the prosthesis. This functionality was able to give back a lot of important abilities to the amputees, no other form of the prosthesis could give.

  • The empowering experience

An amputee, just after the loss of an organ, faces an existential crisis. Gradually reality strikes and the patient finds themselves out in a terrible position. The dependent lifestyle chokes patience and will out of the victim.

A bionic arm after calibration can be really empowering for these individuals. They receive abilities at an abundance that were formerly absent from their lives. Thus, the broken will of an amputee can only be healed by bionic prostheses. 

  • A gradual comeback to life

The calibration and optimization process of a bionic prosthesis is a long and tedious one. It usually takes a lot of time for an individual to understand the limitations and capabilities of q prosthesis completely.

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This stage is important as the understanding of the limitations keeps the prosthesis out of trouble. Additionally, the manufacturer takes their time in the calibration of the prosthesis.

After the mutual adjustments are done, An amputee can gradually mingle with the old circle of people they used to know. Maybe get back the old job they quit or start anew. 

  • Alleviation of multiple complications

The utilitarian nature of human anatomy makes the scenario difficult in case of a sudden loss of limb. The brain refuses to acknowledge the loss due to the presence of relevant anatomical modifications.

This results in a phantom limb phenomenon and the sensations sometimes turn into pain. A bionic prosthesis can effectively alleviate the pain and help in rapid rehabilitation. 

Additionally, frustrations kick in with a powerful approach. Isolation and inability to perform the necessary and sometimes favorite tasks render an amputee frustrated and annoyed with the prospects of life.

A bionic prosthesis by giving back these important abilities alleviates the frustration and eliminates isolation gradually. This prevents any emergence of depression and other forms of anxiety. 

  • The obstacle of awareness

Many amputees in our country are unaware of the existence of bionic prostheses. Previously, many in our country chose not to avail of a prosthesis due to its price. But the bionic hand price is no longer the obstacle. The obstacle lies with awareness still. There were no bionic prosthesis manufacturers in India to speak of.

Hence, the country didn’t witness any aggressive campaigns. But with the emergence of Indian-made bionic arms, the scenario is expected to change.

Before #D printed organs become available with a powerful swing, Bionics are maybe the best alternative we have. The time is perhaps ripe for the learned and educated to take up the responsibility to deliver mobility to the needy and incomplete.

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