Get Rid of Hernia With Laparoscopic Surgery

Christina Jones
Image Credit: Pixabay

Being in the pink of health is probably the best blessing possible. Happiness and health are interrelated. It’s when one is perfectly healthy that one can be happy. Often, people ignore small abnormalities in their body if it is not causing any active trouble. The problem often starts causing pain or any other kind of suffering; the situation is usually worse. The most common instances of a placid attitude towards weird rashes are seen in cases of hernia.

Is Laparoscopic Surgery the Best Option for Hernia Treatment?

What is a hernia and how to identify it? A hernia is a term used for a medical condition where an internal organ pushes through a weak skin tissue point. It can be tricky to identify a hernia as there is little to go on. A hernia can be described as a raised bump in the skin which might feel sore to the touch.

There is no full-proof method of making sure that the bump you feel on your body is a case of a hernia or not. If the lump (or bump) feels suspicious and causes a lot of pain or uneasiness, it is recommended that you consult a doctor. For residents of Bangalore and nearby areas, it is possible to permanently get rid of hernias in Bangalore.

Types of hernia and where they occur:

Many types of hernias can trouble a person. Even though a hernia can occur anywhere on the human body, the most common occurrences are in the stomach and groin region.

Types of hernia occurring in the stomach region:

  • Hiatal hernia: Hiatus is a Latin term for the diaphragm gap separating the chest and abdomen area. A hiatal hernia occurs in the upper region of the stomach. It can occur in both males and females.
  • Epigastric hernia: A bulge in the belly region between the breast bones and the navel, might be a case of an epigastric hernia. This type of hernia is common among women and generally does not cause any trouble. Some people might even find that they have more than one epigastric hernia lumps on their belly.
  • Incisional hernia: This kind of hernia occurs as a consequence of abdominal surgery. Generally, when the surgical procedure mesh is not put correctly, it offers an easy target for the organs to push out, resulting in an incisional hernia.
  • Umbilical hernia: Newborn kids are usually the ones inflicted with an umbilical hernia. As an infant’s body is fragile, any exertion of muscles like crying can cause the organs to push out near the belly button. This pushing out then results in the formation of a hernia.

Types of hernia occurring in the groin region:

  • Inguinal hernia: When some small part of the stomach intestine pushes out of the abdominal lining, it causes painful lumps. These lumps affecting the groin region are classified as an inguinal type of hernia.
  • Femoral hernia: The name for this hernia is derived from the bone’s name near which it registers its presence. The bone is femur bone, and the area affected by femoral hernia is the upper thigh region, below the groin. Women are more susceptible to getting a femoral hernia than men.
  • Anal hernia: As is made clear by the name, the anal hernia is found around the anus. Usually, it is because of the rectum peeking out through the anus. An anal hernia is unlikely to occur as compared to other more common types of hernia. An anal hernia is predominantly seen, in older adults or people who suffer from a weak pelvis floor.

Often, the person suffering from an anal hernia might confuse it with hemorrhoids as the symptoms are similar in both cases.

When to seek medical help if you have a hernia?

Most cases of a hernia would cause no discomfort of any type, making them pretty harmless. But some hernias can develop into life-threatening situations.

Almost every major city in India is equipped with trained doctors and medical technology to help patients get rid of hernias. It is now possible to get rid of hernia with laparoscopic surgery.

Ignoring symptoms can lead to a case of aggravated hernia; therefore people should be aware of the presence of weird looking bulges and consult a doctor if:

  • The bulges start to cause severe pain. Some hernias can be consistently painful, while others can cause sharp pain when they engage in hard physical labour. At times even banal activities like coughing and sneezing can cause a hernia to become painful.
  • If you come across an abnormal swelling or a bulge on your body, try pressing around it gently. If it can be pushed back without offering much resistance, then it is probably not serious. But if it does not get back on being pushed, you should go to a doctor as soon as possible.
  • If you are beginning to experience other symptoms like unexplained pain, vomiting, nausea, etc., you should urgently see a doctor.

Treating hernia is possible. Doctors would suggest surgeries to treat a hernia that might further become trapped or strangulated. A trapped hernia means the part of the organ that is pushing through the tissue is losing blood circulation. Prolonged periods of no or less blood circulation in the organ part can make it unresponsive. That part might suffer critical damage and might even permanently lose its ability to function properly.

A hernia once present would not go on its own. And there are chances that it might reoccur in the future. It is especially true in cases of people with q genetic history of hernia and those who suffer from chronic cough etc.

An ideal way to get rid of a hernia permanently can be done through laparoscopic surgery in various cities nationwide is through laparoscopic surgery. A laparoscopic surgery might be recommended by the doctor treating the hernia, and with proper post-surgery care and general lifestyle changes, a hernia can be cured for good.

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Christina Jones is working as a blogger for popular corporate gifts, promotional items, and product supplier companies. She loves to write about creative gift ideas related to Business services, lifestyles, occasions and much more.
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