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Dental Implants are More Popular Than You Think

Teeth are an important part of facial beautification. Dental implants are extremely beneficial in the quality of life for people with serious tooth problems. A maxillofacial surgery center suggests dental implants Orange County as a great investment for those with healthy jawbones to accommodate the implants. Apart from you and your surgeon, none can tell you have dental implants, making this as natural looking as ever.

What are dental implants?

Popular since the 1970s, dental implants became a worthy alternative to dentures or bridges to replace unhealthy or missing teeth. The procedure includes a titanium or titanium screw inserted into the jaw bone by dentists to hold the custom-made dental crown in place. In the last 5 years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of zirconia implants as well.

For those with gum bone deficiency, will need a bone graft. For the upper jaw, the patient will need to undergo a sinus lift beforehand of the dental implants. Children with the underdeveloped jaw bone, chain-smokers, people with neck or head surgery, diabetics, or who take immunosuppressive drugs, or are nighttime teeth grinders- are advised against teeth implants.

3 types of dental implants


  1. Zygomatic implants: People with severe bone deficiency need zygomatic implants to anchor the upper facial bones. It’s more affordable than single teeth replacement as multiple teeth are supported on only four posts.
  2. All-on-4 implants: A faster and more affordable procedure, it uses four standard implants to anchor a full arch-bridge in place. Keep in mind that the prosthetic bridge is bulkier and similar to wearing traditional dentures.
  3. Mini or short implants: These are the skinnier version of standard implants if there is a bone deficiency. But the success rate is very small in these implants.

Steps of dental implants orange county explained

dental implants orange county, ca

dental implants treatment
With dental implant treatment, you can smile ear-to-ear showing off your straight, even teeth.

Benefits of dental implants


Let’s get a dazzling smile everyone aspires for! Dental implants are the safest and worthy investment in facial beautification. To get your dental implant in orange county, schedule an appointment with OCMAXSURGERY.COM to receive a professional dental implant treatment in Orange County & Tustin, CA.

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