How to Clean Dirty Contact Lenses

By Jenny

How to keep your contact lenses clean in the very first thing you must learn when you’re new to wearing contacts. You must handle your contacts carefully, or else you’ll ruin your prescription. It’s always a good idea to keep a backup pair or an updated pair of eyeglasses in case something happens to your original contact lens. Keep these tips in mind for proper contact lens maintenance.

Maintain Proper Hygiene

Before you even handle your contacts, make sure that both your hands are clean or better yet, sanitized. You’ll be handling precious contact lenses; any dirt can cause contamination which can infect your eyes.

Use an antibacterial/ antiseptic soap to clean your hands thoroughly. Use a small soft brush to clean underneath your fingernails and between your fingers. As much as possible, keep your nails short and clean if you plan to wear contacts for a long time.

Rinse your hands with warm water starting from your wrist to the fingertips. Wipe your hands with paper towels. Make sure that your hands are clean and dry before you hold the contact lens.

The Contact Lens Cleaning Solution

Now that your hands are clean wash your contact lenses with the contact lens cleaning solution. To do this, place the lens inside the cap, one cap for each lens. Pour the contact lens solution and use your pointer finger to move the lens inside the container gently. You may also swirl the contact lens cleaning solution inside the cap. Do this for a few minutes and remove the cleaning solution.

Throw away the cleaning solution from the cap, be careful not to drop your lenses in the sink. Pour another amount of cleaning solution on each lid and repeat the steps. After a few minutes of rinsing, remove the cleaning solution.

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If you plan to wear your contacts, remove it from the cap and wear them. Remove any remaining solution from the cap and dry these with paper towels. Keep the lens cap inverted on top of a piece of tissue or face towel with the cap off. These will be ready to use once you remove your contact lenses later.

If you want to store your contacts, don’t remove these from the cap and just add a new contact lens solution in the cap. Cover the contact lens case tightly and keep this in a safe and cool area in your room.

There are several contact lenses cleaning solutions in the market; however, your eye doctor will prescribe the right cleaning solution formula. Never use tap water, bottled water, or alcohol to clean your lenses. These will only damage or erode the surface of your contact lens.

Your Contact Lens Cap

The contact lens cap is usually made of plastic, and over time, these can reek harmful chemicals that can ruin your contact lenses. It is suggested that you change your contact lens cap or cover at least once every few months.

Change the contact lens caps every time you change your prescription.  When you keep your contact lens inside the cap, fill this with a new contact lens solution each time. Discard any old cleaning solution inside the cap.

If you want to take the lens cap with you, don’t fill it with contact lens solution. Take a small bottle of cleaning solution and your empty cap with you. Fill this with the contact lens solution only when you’re finally keeping your contact lenses.

Also, discard contact lens caps if these are broken, discolored, or has a weird smell. Wash this with the cleaning solution and not with tap water. Wipe dry and keep this uncapped when not in use.

Important Contact Lens Tips

Contact lenses are obtained through a prescription. There are many shops and boutiques that sell cosmetic contact lenses and although there’s nothing wrong with using these, take note that these could be dangerous in the long run.

You should always get your eyes checked before using contact lenses or before you update your prescription. If you want to use cosmetic contacts, consult your eye doctor for the best and safest pair.

Wearing Your Contact Lenses

There are different types of contact lenses, and these depend on the wearer, how active the wearer is, and how often he plans to wear his contacts.

Daily wear contacts are for everyday wear. These may be worn extensively in the morning, but you must remove them before you retire or when you take a bath or shower.  Hard lenses are for people who need very durable contacts because they are prone to scratching or ruining their prescriptions.

Meanwhile, gas-permeable or RGP lenses are meant for extended use. Wearers can use this type of contacts the entire day or even days on end, no need to remove them if you want to bathe, shower or swim. These contacts allow gases to move through the lens and thus will not dry your eyes up. RGP lenses are usually for children and for people new to using contact lenses.

Multifocal or bi-focal contact lenses are lenses with prescription grades. These are made for people who are farsighted or nearsighted who want to wear contacts instead of traditional eyeglasses. This type of contacts are durable and are made to be worn for a long time, as well.

But no matter what type of contacts you wear, remember never to wear your contacts when you’re in the water. Whether you’re bathing, showering, swimming, or washing your face, remove your contact first.

Rest your eyes after wearing your contacts. And for any symptoms like pain, tearing, blurring vision and pressure over the eyes, don’t hesitate to visit your eye doctor. Never overlook an eye check-up. Usually, checkups are needed monthly for first-time contacts users and every three months for long-term users.

If you want to learn more about contact lenses and the many options for you, you can do so by visiting a professional eye care specialist today. Don’t hesitate to find out more about contact lenses, options and proper care.

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