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Autism Spectrum Disorder – Symptoms and Causes

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Image credit: abatherapyinfo

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) includes mental disorders of the neurodevelopmental types. People on the spectrum sometimes find difficulties with interaction and social communication. Symptoms can be recognized between one and two years of age. It also creates problems in maintaining a job, creating and keeping relationships, and performing daily activities.

A combination of both genetic and environmental factors is associated with autism. Certain infections which cause risk factors during pregnancy are rubella, cocaine, pesticides, air pollution, and toxins. Autism affects information processing in the blood by altering connections and the organization of nerve cells and their synapses.

Speech therapy can help children with autism with self-care, social, and communication skills. There have been many cases of children who recovered though there is no known cure. Some are successful cases in which children with autism live independently after reaching adulthood. Around 24.8 million people got affected by autism in 2015.

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Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders

There exist three different types of autism spectrum disorders. These are:

(a) Autistic disorder: this disorder is also known as “classic autism”. It is the most common type of autism which comes to mind when people hear about it.

This type of person has delays in language, face social challenges, lack communication effectiveness, and show different behavioural and usual interests. Intellectual disability can also be seen in people with Autistic disorder.

(b) Asperger syndrome: people with such disorders have mild symptoms of Autistic disorder. They usually face issues with unusual interests and behaviour but do not face any issue with intellectual disability or language.

(c) Pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified: this disorder can also be referred to as “atypical autism”. People usually face some symptoms of autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome but not all the symptoms.

People suffering from this type of disorder have very mild symptoms than those who are suffering from autistic or Asperger disorder. This only causes the issue of social and communicational challenges.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms

A person suffering from autism might exhibit some of the following symptoms which can help in identifying whether the person is suffering from autism or not. Such ASD symptoms are:

Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis

Diagnosing autism can sometimes be a difficult test as there is no particular test available to diagnose autism such as blood tests or any other.

It can only be done by observing the behaviour of a child. This disorder can sometimes be diagnosed at an age of 18 months or less than it.

But it is necessary to make the diagnosis of autism at the age of 2 by an experienced professional. Delay in diagnosis can sometimes not help the children to prevent them.

Thus diagnosing autism can be done with the help of two ways:

(1) Developmental screening: this includes asking basic questions from parents about the behaviour of the child. If the child is not comfortable learning basic skills when they should be or facing some delays then he might be suffering from autism.

During the developmental screening, doctors play or talk to children to examine their language, speech, behaviour, and moves. Any delay in these actions can be a sign of this disorder.

(2) Comprehensive diagnostic evaluation: this evaluation includes hearing and vision screening. There are some tests such as neurological testing, genetic testing and other medical testing which can help in diagnosis and further assessment of this disorder.

Developmental pediatricians, child neurologists, and child psychologists are some specialists who can do this type of evaluation.

Autism Spectrum Disorder Cure

There are various ways through which autism disorder in a child can be cured easily. This includes some therapies, medication and motivation and verbal behaviour. Some of these activities are:


Autism is just a developmental disorder that reduces the ability of the child to interact with the outside world. It makes the child live alone and have different interests and behaviour.

It impacts the nervous system of the child and thus affects the overall cognitive, social, emotional and physical health of the child.

Parents need to observe the symptoms as soon as possible and try to provide the best treatment to help their children. It only requires attention and special care, your love and support toward the child.

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