Everything about Private Health Care Industry in India

Carmal Issac
Image by Darko Stojanovic from Pixabay.

The private health care professionals in the country include dentists, pharmacists, midwives, psychologists, nurses, and many more. Most of the best hospitals in Bangalore and other places offer all these services including the primary secondary and tertiary care of people. Private hospitals are an important source of money for the Indian Economy.

Blooming Private Health Care Industry

Access to health care is influenced by social and economic conditions as well as the country’s policies. They are also influenced by access to financial aids, geographic barriers, and personal choices. In this articles let’s look at how the private health care industries is a better option in India

  • Medical Tourism

People from various places across the globe choose India for health care. Many people from the United Kingdom, North America, and Europe choose India for its cheap and efficient treatments.

For instance, a knee replacement surgery in the United States costs about $40,000 while the same in India costs only $8500. India also offers medical facilities that countries like Africa, Bangladesh, or Pakistan do not offer.

Research indicates that India is one of the top 20 countries with 4.2% GDP on private spending. People pay 9% of their spending on private care and 5 to 10% on health insurance. 82% of these are from personal funds. The private sector has more growth than the public sector as public spending is only.9 % of the GDP.

  • Exceptional Facilities

Even though there are complaints of being charged more, people choose the private health sector more than the public ones. Government hospitals lack many resources and more modern facilities.

Most of the medicines and tests would not even be available in public hospitals. Private hospitals account for 82% of outpatients and 52 % of the inpatient expenditure.

The government has also encouraged the growth of private health care hospitals by subsidizing the land for building at lower rates.

They are also exempted from duties and taxes for importing medicines and medical equipment. The doctors are also paid more in private hospitals in India.

  • Growing Innovations

The health care system in India is greatly supported by private capital and entrepreneurship skills. There are recent developments in Medical Tourism and some of the advancement is telemedicine and Heal in India.

The hospitals have large resources for efficient doctors and also technical expertise. They follow stable policing for finance assuring them a transparent supervisory agenda.

  • Experts in Various Diagnosis and Treatment

Dr. D Bidwe, the Director of Tata Memorial Research Centre says that “We offer the same treatment as any other part of the world. Everything that can be done in the best cancer centres across the globe can be done here.” (Times of India). India is on par with hospitals abroad. When a new drug is introduced abroad, it is simultaneously launched in India also.

Hospitals in India are some of the best for the treatment of certain diseases. Some of them are:

1. Cancer

Hospitals in India are developing in various areas compared to western counterparts. One of the greatest expertise of Indian Hospitals is in the treatment of Cancer.

Every year more than 10 Lakh people are diagnosed with cancer. There was a necessity to develop the health care system to accommodate a lot of patients and that is what a lot of hospitals did. The list includes some of the top hospitals in Bangalore also.

Oncology is a well sought-after department in hospitals because of its cost competency and resources. There are a lot of well-qualified doctors who give the best treatments in private hospitals in India.

There are different specialists for each type of cancer from tumours to skin cancer. They are given treatments based on their stages and analysis of the patient’s vulnerability.

2. Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are one of the main reasons for deaths in India. Ischemic deaths and strokes are the most common heart diseases in India.

India has a number of doctors who are experts in heart surgeries. The cost of surgeries related to heart diseases like by-pass is very affordable compared to foreign countries.

The hospitals in India provide proper diagnosis and treatment at the right time. They have facilities for cardiac surgery like CARG or valve replacement.

Facilitated with transplantation which is the next step after maximal medical treatment. If none of them works they also have provision for LVADs.


The health care sector of the country is aimed at the proper maintenance and improvement of health. Proper diagnosis and treatment help in the recovery and improvement of health conditions.

The capability of doctors and health professionals plays a major role in the success of private health care services. In this regard, private hospitals in India are the best.

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