
WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal – Best CMS for 2020 (Comparison)

Are you also one of those willing to build a website or a blog and looking for the best CMS in the market? If yes then and it is important for you to avail of all the essential details regarding it.

CMS is properly abbreviated as Content Management System. It plays an amazing role in creating, managing and modifying the content of the website without having any HyperText Markup Language (HTML) or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) coding skills.

The best part about the CMS platform is that these are easy to use and anyone can easily build their own website without having any technical knowledge. It is not important for the person to be a web developer or a designer or having any sort of previous experience to build their own website by using these platforms.

WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal

There are several amazing CMS platforms are available but the three most popular CMS platform includes WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Here in the below section of this article, we are going to provide you all the essential details about these three best CMS platforms along with their advantages and disadvantages as well.

Best CMS for 2020 (Comparison) WordPress vs Joomla vs Drupal

Cost and Expenses

While starting any sort of process we all want to avail details about the actual costs and pricing. Well, you will be glad to know that each of these CMS platforms is a hundred percent free open source.

Either you can download them from the official website or can get it from somewhere else. Although there are some other costs that are required like the Domain Name and a Web Hosting.

In order to get the Domain name you need to pay an amount and for the web hosting also there is a separate amount that is required to be paid.


A domain name is basically the address of the website on the web. In order to keep the domain online, you need to pay around $15 per year.

On the other hand, the web hosting setup plays an important role in keeping your sites available so that the visitors can easily access it.

In order to get good hosting for your website, you need to pay around $3 per month. The terms and conditions of all these platforms regarding domain name and hosting are quite similar.

In case, you are willing to enhance the features then there are some other prices that you need to pay. The models and designs and other features that require some payment include the following.

CMS Plugins – Addons

  • WordPress plugins available for $0-$200
  • Joomla plugins: $0-$70
  • Drupal plugins: $0-$100

Themes – Installation design packages:

  • WordPress themes available for $0-$250
  • Joomla themes: $0-$200
  • Drupal themes: $0-$80

Cost is Going to Be:

  • $15 (domain name) + $3*12 (hosting) = ~$51 a year

Level of Expertise:

The best part about the CMS platform is that you do not need to have some previous experience in order to use them. Additionally, the results are always dependent upon the experience and the expectations of the user.

As compared to others, WordPress is the easiest platform to use. The functionality and the operating capability of word pressure so simple and customized that you can easily approach the results.

Additionally, there are companies that are offering managed word press hosting service which allows you to have no worries regarding the technical setups. Apart from this, the user interface is so easy and simple.

WordPress is much easier to use compared to Joomla and Drupal

If you are comfortable to work with HTML and Hypertext Preprocessor and earlier it was abbreviated as Personal Home Page (PHP) then you can go for Joomla and Drupal as well.

These are the two developers centered platforms available. These platforms play an amazing role in getting a custom looking and custom operating website.

The popularity of the Best CMS

Practically there is no popularity contest. According to the statistics available, word press is the most considered CMS platform chosen by users. On the entire web, 35% of users consider WordPress and 2.7% of users considered Joomla and 1.7% users considered Drupal.

Designing choices

While choosing the CMS platform design and quality are the use factors that play an important role. Everyone wants that their websites look amazing and nice as well.

Word press plays an amazing role in providing a modern and optimized design. On the other hand, and Drupal provides a bit archaic look.

CMS that offers Best Designing Option is most preferable.

At WordPress, there are thousands of responsive and mobile-friendly themes available. Some of them are free and some are paid. You can easily get more than 10,000 free themes available on WordPress.

If you are thinking about buying a paid theme then there are several amazing things available from $10 to $250. There is no shortage of design and choices on WordPress.

On the other hand, in Joomla and Drupal best choices are quite smaller. Additional league there are hardly some free themes that also look good.

Customization options:

There is some amazing spin on installing new features that are provided by the best CMS platforms to the users.

  • WordPress calls all-new add-on plugins
  • Joomla call them extensions
  • Drupal calls them modules

Discussing the number of features available then the statistics are:

  • There are more than 50000 plugins available for WordPress. From the 3rd party developers, there are thousands more available.
  • For Joomla, there are around 8000 extensions available. some hundred are also available more throughout the web
  • For Drupal there are around 44000 modules is available. Only a handful is available from the web
Best CMS Features

It can easily be stated that in terms to get the best number of plugins, there is no competition of WordPress. Additionally, the amazing user interface and the control panels make it more extensive. WordPress plays an amazing role in providing you all the new and amazing features that make your website not only looks good but works well as well.

There are several extensions available at Joomla also but these are quite smaller as compared to WordPress. Still, there are some extensions available that can help you in handling the galleries, SEO, analytics, and others.

The modules of Drupal are quite a developer-focused. In order to expand the API, you can still get some solutions.

Best Security and updates

CMS Security
CMS Security and Update are Critical Part of the Website.

After every 50 to 60 days, there is a new Wordpress version update available. In order to fix the small bugs and issues, these updates get released by WordPress.

Joomla releases the updates more frequently within 10 days to 40 days.

In Drupal, there is a set release schedule point one bug fix update and one security update releases every month.

Talking about the security then according to the infected website platform distribution in statistics, around 90% of the CMS infected websites works on WordPress.

On the other hand, there are fewer websites available on Drupal and Joomla that are hacked. Due to the strong focus on website security, most of the government agencies and institutions trust Drupal.

CMS Support and Community

  • WordPress is having its own support section on the official website. The user can easily get the guides, documentations, and forums from there.
  • Joomla also includes various forms that can help. There are documentation, community portal and training and also the user forums as well.
  • Similarly Drupal is also having the same approach. The offering section includes a user guide, various tutorials, documentation, support, community portal, and others.
Best CMS Support and Community

Hence these are all the details about the best CMS platforms available online. If you are thinking about getting a customized website that looks properly and having all the features then you can go for WordPress.

Additional if you are thinking about getting a custom functionality website then you can choose Drupal. On the other hand, if you are thinking about meeting the requirements between Drupal and WordPress then Joomla is the best option available. is proudly using WordPress CMS

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