7 Essential Tech For Remote & Work From Home (WFH)

By Jenny
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay.

There are a plethora of tools available to help remote workers. If you need to create and manage documents, communicate, increase productivity, manage appointments or simply calm your mind, there is an app or SaaS product to fill the need.

Choosing the right tech tools depends on the type of work you do, but the ultimate aim is to make your work and life easier – not over complicate it.

There an several robust tools to keep yourself on track and to collaborate with your team. Here are seven essentials tools for your consideration.

#1 G Suite

G Suite keeps all my business documents in one place using a comprehensive folder system for storage. It’s easy to create and share information and to get feedback and comments when needed.

#2 Slack

Our Slack channels enable us to communicate individually or with the whole team. We share quick updates, ask questions and organize meetings within Slack. This has cut down on our email traffic and allows all staff to keep track of company business in a timely manner.

By the way, check out “Donut” for Slack. It’s an extension that matches random team members for virtual coffees and chats once a week. This is a great way for people to get to know one another better and to combat the feeling of isolation if you’re new to remote work.

#3 Zoom

Zoom is a robust platform that works well for team conferences of any size. The screen sharing function allows us to demonstrate concepts we’re working on and is great for a quick training session. The whiteboard function is brilliant for brainstorming sessions.

#4 Loom

I’m a big fan of Loom because creating a short video is far quicker than writing an email. The interface is easy to use, and sharing a video is as simple as copying a link. Loom is great for giving others an overview of what you’re working on, sending team messages or explaining how to use a new piece of software.

#5 Pomodoro Technique

This is probably my favorite productivity tool. Developed by an Italian named Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro technique is a time management method. This technique brings me focus and productivity by creating a sense of urgency to complete any given task.

The idea is to work in 25 minute intervals with a 5 minute break in between. This allows me to avoid distractions and work exclusively on one thing in those 25 minutes. It may seem counter intuitive to take more breaks, but moving around regularly left me with more energy at the end of the day.

#6 1Password

We all have 100s of passwords to manage. 1Password is the most secure password manager I’ve found as you don’t have to store the database on someone else’s server. You only need to create one super-strong master password to log in, and all your other passwords are in one place.

#7 Airtable

I’ve used many different project management tools, but Airtable is the best for my needs. It’s packed with features for team collaboration and the visual layout lets you see an entire campaign or workflow at a glance. – says Alex Azoury – Founder & CEO, Home Grounds.

Lastly, I suggest that everyone who works remotely has a way to back up their work. This may seem like a no-brainer but it’s amazing how many people overlook disaster management until it’s too late. Find some online storage for backups, or use a flash or external drive to save your important files.

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A passionate blogger and digital marketing personnel who loves writing, reading and sharing blogs on the various topic.
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