In many communities, homeless camps develop in a number of locations. They can be found in wooded areas, underneath interstate overpasses, inside empty buildings, and even in alleys. Should you discover that this type of camp is present on your property, attempting to manage the removal on your own is not the way to go. A better solution is to contact a professional who knows how to manage a homeless camp cleanup properly. Here are some of the reasons why this approach is the most practical solution.
1. Notifying the Camp That a Cleanup is About to Happen
You already have the backing of the authorities, but that doesn’t mean you have to march in and start the cleaning. Professional emergency cleaning services have procedures for notifying camp members that the site is about to be cleaned. This typically involves providing a window of time for the members to pack up and move away.
The cleaning team will work with authorities to ensure that everything is in place for an orderly and peaceful cleaning. Rest assured they will keep you up to date on the progress.
2. Dealing with the Results of Hoarding
The nature of homelessness typically means holding on to as many items as possible. At a camp, there may be tents or makeshift shelters that are stuffed with all sorts of items. That can include food that’s gone bad, old clothing, and anything else that the individual has chosen to collect.
As with any type of hoarding clean-out, handling the materials does require safeguards in order to protect the health of the cleaning team. You may not be sure what precautions to take, but a professional cleaner will know exactly what to do.

3. Taking Care of Any Biological Waste at the Site
A homeless camp is likely to contain a fair amount of biological matter. It could be primarily human waste, but it could also be old bandages from injuries, various types of used drug paraphernalia, and soiled clothing. The potential for biological risks is high and something to be considered carefully.
If you call in professionals to manage the homeless camp cleanup, they will be aware of what is most likely to be at the site. They will also know how to handle those materials safely.
From using protective gear to avoid direct contact to being protected from potential airborne contaminants, they will get the job done while avoiding any personal harm.
4. Managing the Responsible Disposal of Everything That’s Collected
Everything that’s removed from the site has to be disposed of in some manner. Much of the collected matter will be incinerated or broken down using chemicals.
Some things may be safe to deposit in a landfill. While you may not know what to do with all the things removed from the site, a professional will have a plan for taking care of everything.
Dealing with a homeless camp cleanup, whether it’s still occupied or has been abandoned, is not a task that you want to take on yourself. Call in the professionals and allow them to take care of all the details.
You’ll be surprised at how quickly they remove all vestiges of the encampment and make it possible to use the site for other purposes.
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