3 Phases of Self Improvement Journey

By Jenny
Image credit: ibreakstock

How about waking every day to find the perfect version of yourself? Improving your lifestyle is an evolving process and requires perfect dedication and enthusiasm. This journey can reveal to you the best version of you with a  fit body, progressive mindset and increased productivity. Every great change is brought by small changes in the habits of the individual. Habits can make or destroy us so wisely designing our habits we can start our self-improvement journey.

designing our habits
Designing good habits can start your self-improvement journey with a positive result.



  1. HAVE FAITH The very first step in the journey is to create faith in yourself. Do believe that you have enough potential inside you to turn around your life. We all know that desire is the starting point and fuel for every goal you ever want to achieve. Desire coupled with a belief in yourself will make this journey a successful and memorable one.
  1. DESIGN: To design your habits, first analyze your schedule for a day or two. This will give you a clear idea of what your day looks like and scope for improvement in your lifestyle. Once you’re done with analyzing your life and habits, sit quietly in the corner of the room and create a routine that can redirect your life.
  1. PLANNING: Plan the new habits routine goals and make sure you wake up early in the morning for early bird catches the worm. The first best thing to do after you wake up is to close your eyes and with all your heart thank for the day. This creates waves of gratitude and fills the mind with positivity. The next thing to do is grab a glass of water and drink it. This has many good scientifically proven effects on the body. Then before running into hustle and bustle of the world fill your diary with your goals of the day. Now you’re all ready to start your morning routine.
  1. MORNING ROUTINE Personal hygiene is important for personal growth. Brushing your teeth, taking a daily bath and wearing a neat and clean dress is all it takes to maintain good personal hygiene. Make sure that you every day have a breakfast that is healthy and nourishes you well to go through the day. You can either exercise in the morning or in the evening depending on your preference. Once you create a great morning routine then you do not need to rush in the morning and can calmly start your day.
  1. TAKE TIME Allot your time for every activity you do throughout the day including traveling, cooking, etc., this keeps track of your time and you slowly learn the time management skills. Thus you can design your habits. Routine adds basic rules to your life.
Find your goals and start working on them


You soon need to find your goals and start working on them so that you don’t lose an opportunity. How about trying a new unique, creative way to accomplish your goals? Create a diary with three sections:  personal goals, professional goals, dream goals. 

  1. Personal goals: Under the section of personal goals you can work on your body and fitness. You can keep track of everything so that you eat healthily, exercise regularly and be fit. Fill the section early in the morning so that you know the amount of exercise, the food you need to take during the entire day.
  1. Professional goals: These are the goals concerned with your work environment. Writing them in a diary will create a sense of urgency in you to accomplish them. It will keep you in track with your professional goals and also create a sense of satisfaction in your heart. You can fill this section of the diary throughout the day.
  1. Dream goals: These relate to who you aspire to be in the future. Where do you see yourself after the next year? What do you wish to learn, explore in life in this one year? These are the goals we will be working on apart from our personal and professional goals. You must allot all your free time, the time you saved in working on your dreams.

For e.g., If one is done with their office work by six then the rest of the evening you can take time to pursue your dream project. You can also plan on holidays on your dreams and spend time in a worthy manner. Writing your dream goals in the diary makes easy to pursue your dreams and keep track of every development you make towards your dream.

Image by Marta Kulesza from Pixabay


While you are maintaining regularity in your work and accomplishing your goals add the contacts and make good friends. Being in a good environment creates waves of positivity in your life. It is correctly said that you are the average of five people you spend the most time with.

So develop friends who can share your dreams and add more professional contacts. Meanwhile, nourish your soul by pursuing your hobbies like a reading, painting. Read many more books. Keep on accomplishing goals and add new colors of dreams in your life.

I wish you a happy growth.

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A passionate blogger and digital marketing personnel who loves writing, reading and sharing blogs on the various topic.
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